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Designing Your Feminist Business with the Feminist Business Model Canvas


Learn how to design feminist values into the revenue model of your business or the service delivery model of your non-profit.

About this Event

Join us where feminist values meet business practice -- and learn how to design your business / venture using the Feminist Business Model Canvas (FBMC).

The Feminist Business Model Canvas is a tool, a process, and a world view designed to help entrepreneurs and teams build their transformational, inclusive values directly into the ways they identify and pursue business opportunities. It helps future-oriented businesses create their own criteria for success, building a new paradigm of feminist business.

Purchase tickets on Eventbrite.

What will we do together?

In this interactive workshop, participants will be introduced to business modeling as a process and business model canvases as design tools. With this foundation, we'll explore the FBMC and learn the feminist thinking behind the elements that compose the Canvas. Participants will experiment with the design process using the FBMC's unique set of questions. These questions ask you to dig into what matters to you, to establish an empathic and caring connection with your customers, and to imagine products that meet functional and meaning-filled needs. Participants will also work to identify the unique strengths and gifts you and your team have to offer as a business.

  • Participants will receive an introductory exercise to complete the week before the workshop, as well as some pre-reading. After the workshop, participants will receive a resource list and a self-reflection exercise to help you personalize your learning.

  • During the workshop, you'll receive a pdf of the full FBMC workbook (about 75 pages) including blank canvases, a step-by-step explanation of the modeling process, and all the questions you'll need to complete the remaining steps of the modeling process (e.g., the Values Build-In process, Alignment Check, Adjusting the Model as Your Business Grows, Addressing Oppression). Participants will work in small groups during a few breakout sessions, as well as in the full group.

  • As part of the workshop, participants will be invited to join a short-term online community platform which they can use to discuss insights, share canvases, and ask follow-up questions for CV and other workshop participants to help answer.

  • Folks in this workshop will be asked to participate under the Feminist Collaboration Agreement, in which all parties agree to keep personal and business details private and not share them except within the workshop community.

  • As part of the commitment you make by participating, you'll be expected to share an anonymized version of your FBMC (all juicy details removed) with the community, and to complete a feedback exercise to help improve the tool and/or the workshop.

Who is this for?

This workshop is designed for participants who already have an idea for a business or non-profit venture, who have a startup-in-process, or who are part of an established business that’s ready for real focus on building values into their ongoing work.

Folks who are interested in feminist businesses as a concept, in the FBMC as a tool for entrepreneurs in incubators and accelerator programs, or in non-feminist but still values-led businesses will also find the workshop useful but will need to 'play along' with a business idea to get the full value of the workshop.

We expect that every participant will be interested in transformational, radically inclusive feminism. If you don't support and advocate for radically inclusive feminism, this is not the workshop for you.

Please email cv@feministsatwork.com if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

Your guides in this process will be CV Harquail, the designer of the FMBC, and Petra Kassun-Mutch,  FBMC coach and serial feminist entrepreneur.

Feminist Ticketing Tiers

As part of our exploration of feminist pricing strategies, we'll be using a tiered ticket format.

The Steadfast Ticket is for folx who are financially secure and covers the cost of your participation.

The Supporters Ticket is for folks who are able to contribute, beyond the cost of your own ticket, to add funds to the Community-Resourced Ticket Pool.

The Solidarity Ticket is for folx with limited financial resources; your tickets will be supported by the community and by CV.

Currently, 20% of anticipated tickets are available at the Solidarity level. I'm hoping to have 20 folks sign up, so this would include 4 Solidarity tickets. More will be added as/if the workshop signups grow.

Purchase tickets on Eventbrite.

Finally, folks who are already members of the Feminist Enterprise Community (FEC) can get $5 off their ticket, using a code I've posting on the event listing in the FEC. FEC members already pay for access to the community, and I'll be contributing $5 to the FEC for each non-FEC ticket, to pay for the FEC hosting our materials and later our conversation.

Media Consent

We will be recording portions of this workshop, and these recorded portions might be used in later workshops. We expect to record and possibly re-use only the parts of the workshop where CV presents the FBMC along with the group's discussion of and questions about the FBMC. The breakout room conversations and Canvas presentations might be recorded, but these recordings would only be used privately by CV to improve the workshop. They would not be shared outside the participate group. By registering for this workshop, you understand and acknowledge that your image may be taken during the group portion and used at our discretion. If you have concerns about your image being used for these purposes, please email cv@feministsatwork.com and we'll work something out.