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 Tour the Feminist Business Model Canvas
with this 12-page Overview

It’s been challenging to figure out just how much information I should make available as a free download to introduce you all to the Feminist Business Model Canvas™.

I’ve offered the Introduction to the FBMC download (also known as the Teaching Version), intending for it simply to “show” people what the template looks like and to offer a quick description of the feminist business modeling process. I was hoping that this would be enough information that if folks actually wanted to try the FBMC, they’d attend an in-person workshop or connect with me to purchase a full FBMC Workbook and the materials they’d need to use the tool on their own.

What I’ve discovered, though, is that folks are trying to use the description as if it were the actual full tool, including the template, the sets of questions, and the multi-step process description. Apparently, folks who are familiar with the Osterwalder, Pigneur, et. al. (2012) Canvas, or the Lean Startup (Ries, 2011) or Running Lean (Maurya, 2012) canvases expect that the FBMC can be sussed out effectively just by “filling in the blanks” after reading the labels for each section. If only. Transformation is not so simple….

The Feminist Business Model Canvas™ only looks like these other canvases on the surface. If you try to figure out your business model just using the template with definitions, it just won’t give you the good stuff. So, I’m offering a new and different introduction — this one is also free for now, in exchange for your email address.

The newest download is the 12-page Tour of the Feminist Business Model Canvas.

Touring the Feminist Business Model Canvas™

 This Introductory Tour is a lightweight overview of the Feminist Business Model Canvas, drawn from the full-sized FBMC Workbook and process. It’s designed to help you get to know the FBMC in a short amount of time, rather than to support you in developing a full business model.

*Just be aware in advance: This tour will not be enough information or guidance to enable you to create an actual, functional, full feminist business model. You need the full FBMC Workbook for that.

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This tour assumes that users already know the basics of business modeling and canvases, as well as conventional business concepts such as cost structures, revenue streams, customer needs, and product benefits.

To download a copy and Tour of the Feminist Business Model Canvas, please add your name and email below. Once you click <submit> the link will appear. (Magic!)

(Note: This will sign you up for the FBMC newsletter list, which I use to let folks know when I’m hosting FBMC workshops or publish a revision of the tool. Always, unsubscribe if your interests change.)