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Taking a Feminist Experience Online: Some resources

As part of my work to create some online events that are informed by feminist values and practices, I’ve put together a resource list of webinars and downloadable publications where you can learn more about how to translate feminist values and feminist facilitation methods into the online world of Zoom, GoToMeeting, and the like.

The six online workshops are all being hosted by groups and people already involved in social justice work, so it shouldn’t be too hard to add a few feminist values to these if you don’t see them already in action. The downloadable guides describe online and offline facilitation practices that address social justice issues in group experiences. Again, these guides should help to surface issues that you’ll want to address as you move your group interaction even more online.

While I haven’t fully vetted the workshops (since some of them haven’t happened yet) I feel confident in the the groups and people who are hosting them. I’m looking forward to the events themselves (maybe I’ll see you there?).

Please let me know in the comments or via email if you see additional workshops and guides that I should add to these, and if you have any other insights to share!!

(Download by clicking title, below)

Resources for:
Creating Online Events from a Feminist Perspective

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